Support the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee

The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee is an integral part of the Greater Sudbury community, working to improve the health of the unique urban waterway that connects us all and to promote the liveability and value of our natural environment.

Our research and monitoring programs help us understand the Junction Creek watershed and make science-based decisions on restoration activities to improve water quality, bank stability, biodiversity, ecosystem function and surrounding green space.  In addition, our educational and awareness programs help to engage citizens of all ages and connect the community with the creek.

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Other ways to get involved:

  • Like and follow us on social media @JunctionCreek (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Join our mailing list to help stay informed
  • Participate in Junction Creek events
  • Volunteer 2 hours at a clean-up or tree planting activities
  • Support fundraising campaigns or become a sponsor
  • Become a member to keep up-to-date, vote at meetings, and/or join a sub-committee
  • Join our Board of Directors to assist with the vision and operation of the stewardship committee