Nature Discovery Backpack Lending Program 2024

Borrow a Nature Discovery Backpack and get ready for your family’s next outdoor adventure!
In 2022, the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee partnered with Watersheds Canada, the Greater Sudbury Public Library, and Atikameksheng Anishnawbek to deliver the Nature Discovery Backpack Lending program in N’Swakamok/Greater Sudbury and the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek community.
About the Nature Discovery Backpack Lending Program
These Nature Discovery Backpacks are Ontario-curriculum linked and contain activities and field equipment to help you explore nature and learn about local wildlife. The backpack activities are targeted for grades 7-12 but can be enjoyed by adults and families too! NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH!
Inside each Nature Discovery Backpack you will find:
- Binoculars
- Identification guides, which may include trees, wildflowers, dragonflies and damselflies, birds, animal tracks, reptiles, and aquatic macroinvertebrates
- A water quality test kit
- A small dip net
- An observation jar with a built-in magnifying glass
- A ‘Nature Discovery Learning Workbook’ plus 10 activities
These tools are a great addition for your next outdoor exploration and will help increase your knowledge of local plants and wildlife. The backpacks can be used anywhere, including your backyard, along the trails, your favourite lake, or at camp.
Where to Borrow a Nature Discovery Backpack
The Nature Discovery Backpack can be checked-out from any Greater Sudbury Public Library for a period of one week. Click here to check-out your backpack today!
You can download the Nature Discovery Learning Workbooks below!
You can also download individual English activities from the workbook!
Become a Community Scientist activity
Bio-Blitz activity
Follow in their Footsteps – animal tracks activity
Life in a Square activity
Nature Journaling activity
Nature Word Search
Pond Study activity
Riparian Zone activity – Sketch it!
Talk to the Birds activity
Water Quality Experiment
The program is funded by the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
Nature Discovery Backpack Lending Program 2024
Borrow a Nature Discovery Backpack and get ready for your family's next outdoor adventure!
In 2022, the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee partnered with Watersheds Canada, the Greater Sudbury Public Library, and Atikameksheng Anishnawbek to deliver the Nature Discovery Backpack Lending program in N’Swakamok/Greater Sudbury and the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek community. And it's back in 2024!
About the Nature Discovery Backpack Lending Program
These Nature Discovery Backpacks are Ontario-curriculum linked and contain activities and field equipment to help you explore nature and learn about local wildlife. The backpack activities are targeted for grades 7-12 but can be enjoyed by adults and families too! NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH!
Inside each Nature Discovery Backpack you will find:
- Binoculars
- Identification guides, which may include trees, wildflowers, dragonflies and damselflies, birds, animal tracks, reptiles, and aquatic macroinvertebrates
- A water quality test kit
- A small dip net
- An observation jar with a built-in magnifying glass
- A ‘Nature Discovery Learning Workbook’ plus 10 activities
These tools are a great addition for your next outdoor exploration and will help increase your knowledge of local plants and wildlife. The backpacks can be used anywhere, including your backyard, along the trails, your favourite lake, or at camp.
Where to Borrow a Nature Discovery Backpack
The Nature Discovery Backpack can be checked-out from any Greater Sudbury Public Library for a period of one week. Click here to check-out your backpack today!
You can download the Nature Discovery Learning Workbooks below!
You can also download individual English activities from the workbook!
Become a Community Scientist activity
Bio-Blitz activity
Follow in their Footsteps - animal tracks activity
Life in a Square activity
Nature Journaling activity
Nature Word Search
Pond Study activity
Riparian Zone activity - Sketch it!
Talk to the Birds activity
Water Quality Experiment
The program is funded by the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.