Community Science
Being a community scientist is a great way to help local research projects while exploring the outdoors. Your sightings provide data to fill knowledge gaps and assist conservation efforts.
Examples include discovering invasive species, critical habitat for species at risk, new species sightings, and road mortality hot spots. By identifying these areas, more effective species management, protection and conservation measures can be taken.

Report Your Sightings
There are many animals and plants that call Junction Creek home. While exploring your backyard or enjoying the trails, you can learn about these species and report your sightings to the Greater Sudbury Biodiversity project on iNaturalist.ca We are particularly interested in sightings of salamanders and species at risk.
Interested to learn more about local wildlife and conservation? The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee offers free educational programs to schools and community groups.

Turtle Road Researcher
The Land Between's Turtle Guardian Program has developed tailored turtle resources for Greater Sudbury so citizens can volunteer as Road Researchers. Participants conduct weekly surveys, walking or driving along a designated stretch of road in their neighbourhood to record sightings of turtles. Training and resources are provided! Sign-up to be a Turtle Road Researcher by emailing citizensciencetlb@gmail.com.
Found an injured turtle in Greater Sudbury? Contact the Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre.

Water Rangers
We are looking for schools and community groups along Junction Creek that are interested in taking monthly water quality readings. Water Rangers are providing free easy-to-use test kits, training, and resources to environmental educational programs in Ontario. Click here for more information on community-based monitoring and the Water Rangers. Please email Juno at juno@waterrangers.ca and mention Junction Creek.
Unable to commit to taking samples but interested in an educational program about water quality? The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee is providing free presentations to teach students about water sampling and the importance of clean, healthy waterways

Angling Surveys
Are you an avid angler and enjoy fishing along Junction Creek? We are seeking citizens interested in recording Brook Trout data from Junction Creek. Please contact us for more details by emailing research@junctioncreek.com.

Frog Find Program
Frogs are an important indicator species for monitoring environmental health. By conducting yearly acoustic frog surveys, researchers can track frog populations and gain insight into the changing health of ecosystems.
If you are interested in learning more about the frogs inhabiting the Junction Creek watershed, and how you can support citizen science frog monitoring efforts, visit the City of Greater Sudbury Citizen Science webpage.